A Definition essay is written to explain and elaborate the
meaning of different terms and concepts. You may write definition
essay to explore the meaning of a word or an abstract term
such as love, hate, honesty etc. However, the exploration
of a term and an abstract concept significantly varies. An
abstract conception would be defined more on the basis of
writer's personal views and ideas.
Writing a definition essay will require to you penetrate
deeply into the meaning of a term and not just mere reiteration
of literary or dictionary meanings. It should be integrated
well with an analysis encompassing why the term is defined
a particular way and what different dimensions could be used
to define it. You also need to present opposing meanings of
a word and interpret it.
You can define a term or an abstraction by function, analysis,
organization and distinction etc. No matter what direction
you take to approach a meaning, it is essential for you to
have profound knowledge of a word or concept before writing
a definition essay.
A definition essay should be written in a way that could
tell the reader about meaning of a particular term with the
help of clear and accurate information. A narration or a story
can be used to allow writers to derive a meaning of the word.