A critical essay sheds light on the strengths, weaknesses
and methodology of a piece of art such as a book, article,
painting and movie etc. The main idea behind writing a critical
essay is to analyze the work of others in a logical, coherent
and precise manner. It enables you to develop a practice of
active reading, critical analysis and responsive writing.
Academically, it concretizes your habit of reading and reflecting
upon literary texts.
Your critical essay should present your insightful ideas
about a literary text or any work of art. In order to evaluate
an author's work, you need to first of all carefully and critically
read the original text. Remember, a critical essay is not
just about reviewing and summarizing an author's work. The
most essential part of writing critical essay is to present
your own ideas.
Use quotations and examples from the original work in your
essay and explain their thorough meaning.
It is also important to read what critics say about the text
under review and present their ideas in your analysis. Always
ensure that critics' opinions integrate well in your essay.
The use of critics' works should not be merely to validate
your point; rather you should substantiate your argument by
further developing the critics' reviews.