Writing a book review essay is not at all an easy task especially
if you are writing it for the first time. It takes a long
process to complete it well. In order to write a review essay
you need to study the whole available stuff or books, summarize
it and solidify it with your views.
Book review essay writing can be an easy task if it is written
with the help of these steps:
- Introduce the subject: Title, author and publisher information
would be a good inclusion. Be sure you mention the type
of book i.e. whether it is a true story, fiction or an autobiography.
To let the readers know about the book, you often need to
include general problems it encompasses.
- Follow the Methodology: The method for writing review
essay for nonfiction and fiction books differs significantly.
- Non-Fiction: If the book is non-fiction, you need to give
the readers a little summary about the book. This part of
the essay should include quotations and paraphrases from the
- Fiction: While writing the book based on fiction, you ought
to give the readers a very brief review of the book but you
should be careful that the element of suspense does not get
eliminated at any point of the story.
- Craft Your Analysis: In this step, the writer needs to
write his/her response on the book. You need to describe
the book in your own words as whether it was interesting
or boring, informative or instructive or it was complete
- You also need to react on the author's overall opinion,
like how do you agree or disagree with the authors viewpoint
and why.
- Add your research on the issues the book arouses and how
they can be resolved and also discuss about the problems the
books has failed to evoke.
- Relate your arguments directly to the authors' arguments.
You should support your arguments no matter it goes for or
against. Also mention the references of other authors who
agree with your viewpoint.
- Now mention in what ways the book inspires you and whether
or not your thoughts on the topic have changed after reading
- Conclude: In the final step, conclude all what has been
mentioned in your book review essay. Give your comments
about the book and rewrite the important points.
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