Dont know how to do proper citation
and referencing in your research paper using MLA style?
No Worries!
Our writers will write your custom research paper with correct
MLA citation and formatting.
MLA (Modern Language Association) is one of the most frequently
used referencing styles now a days. Various colleges and universities
have different requirements regarding the use of referencing
styles. Referencing of material makes it easy for the readers
trace out the sources you have used in your paper.
In-text citation:
You should cite the sources within the body text of your
MLA research paper after each idea, words or statements you
take from other authors works.
Works cited:
You also need to credit or acknowledge your research paper
sources in a separate bibliography page. Works cited list
should be on a separate page at the end of your MLA research
paper. This page will include all sources referred to in the
text, including text books, journal articles and Internet
sources listed down in MLA style appropriately.
Some Guidelines for MLA Research Paper:
- Mention the authors name and page number at the
top right corner of the page
- Header should be half inch further from top and one inch
from the right side of the paper
- Double spaced
- Bibliography should be titled as Works cited,
centered one inch from the top on the last page of the paper
- Works cited list must be arranged in the alphabetical
order with respect to the last name of the authors
- Arrange the works cited list according to the first word
of the title in case the name of the author is not mentioned
- Provide exact page number of all sources whether directly
quoted or paraphrased
- In-text and end of the paper referencing in MLA style is the A-one service provider in
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